
potty training your toddler
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  • Article author: Neha Agarwal
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Tips For Potty Training Your Toddler
A big milestone in every parenting journey is potty-training your child. Some start training their kids in the first year, while others wait for their kids to join a school to be trained by staff there. Either way potty training is the first step towards a child being independent and in control of his body. It is crucial that a toddler learns to be potty trained on time, so that it does not adversely affect his self esteem while spoiling his pants in public, at a later stage in life. Potty training your toddler may seem like a daunting task for new parents. Here are a few easy potty training tips that will come to your rescue. Follow them through consistently and the day won’t be far when your toddler will be diaper free and informing you of his bowel movements on time.  1. Begin when your child understands basic instructions It is important for parents to have realistic expectations from their toddlers. If you’re looking for potty training tips, don’t begin if your child is unable to follow simple instructions. Instead, if you find your child follows you or other members into the bathroom, or has longer periods of dry diaper – you can treat them as cues to begin teaching him/her. 2. Frequently take your child to the bathroom Help your child become familiar with the concept of using a toilet for pooping. Show him the potty seat you have for him, place him gently on it so that he knows it fits him and is comfortable. Ask him if he feels the urge to poop. Later, tell him to wash his hands – these are some best potty training tips to develop a routine and encourage your toddler  to poop on the seat. 3. Be patient and consistent with your child Ideally, when you begin potty training your child, you must take her every few hours to the washroom and place her on the pot seat to poop. It may take anywhere from a couple of days to weeks for your child to finally be able to control his bowel moments and poop on the seat. Do not punish your child for pooping in his bloomer during this training period, for it may shame him and delay him from being potty trained. 4. A fixed routine will help There are certain times in the day when the chances of your child pooping are higher. These may be right after he wakes up in the morning, or after he has had his meals – take him to the toilet repeatedly during these times and slowly his mind will get attuned to this consistent routine for using the potty. An established routine is amongst the best potty training tips for toddlers. 5. Demonstrate frequently through books and live example If you’re wondering potty training when to start, remember that you need to prepare your child first. Just like you’d prepare your toddler for anything new – like beginning school or independent sleeping, you also need to prepare your child for potty training through stories and examples. You can read baby books about using the toilet or you can point out other family members to your child when they use the bathroom. This will familiarize and normalize the concept of potty training to your child. 6. Encourage your child with rewards On some days, you’ll find your child is pooping on the seat while he may forget to do so on other days. Appreciate him when he poops successfully on the seat with stickers, high-fives, a trip to the park – or appreciate him in front of other family members so that he is naturally encouraged to poop on the seat every time.  7. Do not use rompers and jumpsuits while you are potty training Use pants with elastic waist bands that your child can easily pull down on his own, while you are potty training him, so that he can independently do so and feel good about himself.  8. Help in the area your child is struggling Sometimes, despite prolonged training children may struggle with being potty trained. Try to get to the root cause of your child’s struggle – is the toilet environment unfamiliar to him? Is the potty seat big and uncomfortable – maybe you need a training seat.  FAQs 1. What is the best age for potty training your child? Usually when the child is around 1.5 years old and is able to follow through simple one line instructions and has developed motor skills, you can begin potty training. However, it depends on every child and his ability to learn. 2. What is the fastest way to potty train? There is no one way, or fast way to potty train children, because every child is different and what works for one may not work for the other. Caregivers need to be consistent and patient and eventually children learn to poop in the toilet. 3. What is the best potty training method? The best potty training method is to consistently and regularly take your child to the toilet and encourage him to poop on the seat. As soon as the child will get familiar with the toilet seat, he will learn to control his bowel movements accordingly.  4. Which gender is easier to potty train? Every child is different and each one will have a unique potty training journey. Gender does not play a role in who is easier to potty train. 5. How do I get my stubborn child to potty train? Be patient and consistent. Try to understand your child – if he is afraid of the potty seat, unfamiliar with the toilet surroundings or simply uncomfortable with the new process you are teaching. Get to the cause of his fears and work on that, before training him again.
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joy of being a parent
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The Joys and Challenges of Being a Parent
Parenting is the toughest job in the world. It is also the most rewarding and heartwarming one. Being a parent will test your patience level, and your energy level – it will shift your priorities, mess up your schedules and leave you with a whole new perspective on life. It’s a roller coaster ride that’ll leave you feeling many emotions, right from the time your baby is born. Let’s talk about some common parenting challenges that most people experience. The joy of being a parent Becoming a parent is a unique and blessed human experience that has many special moments. Read on some common joys of parenthood. 1. A bond unlike any other There is no relationship like that of a parent and a child. Right from the minute you hear your child’s heartbeat, you will feel unconditional love for this new life you are bringing into this world. The child will love you back selflessly and purely and your heart will flutter with unbridled joy. 2. Watching your child grow up The pride parents feel in watching their kids grow up is unparalleled. From the time their child learns to take his first steps, to when he starts talking, writing – these milestones may seem small, but they make up a parent’s world and leaves them with happy memories for a lifetime. Nothing matches the joy of being a parent. 3. Raising your own family Even though the responsibility that falls with having your own family is huge, there is a sense of belonging and fullness that comes with raising your own family with your own set of ideals, values and traditions. It gives a sense of satisfaction like few other things can. 4. A new perspective Until you become a parent, you don’t learn to appreciate the sacrifices your parents made for you. As a parent, you start appreciating relationships in your life and become responsible for raising happy children who look up to you as role models.  Challenges of being a parent There are many parenthood challenges that one faces. To be aware of them and to know that you are not alone in this can be a lifesaver, so here are some challenges of parenting one commonly encounters. 1. Dealing with Parenting Stress  Now that you are responsible for another life, you have to make sure you raise happy, disciplined, independent adults and this means finding the balance between being firm and loving which can prove to be tricky and stressful.  2. Managing Your Time and Energy between Parenting and Work Your children are entirely dependent on you for being fed, sheltered, clothed and for reaching all their developmental milestones on time. It’s a round-the-clock effort that makes it happen. Managing kids along with household chores, social commitments and office work can take a toll on the best of parents.  3. Sleep deprivation It is amongst the most taxing challenges that begin the day your child is born. After looking after the needs of your child through the day, you are tired to the bone and wish to get a restful night’s sleep. But with kids, you’ll find yourselves waking up through the night to tend to their needs and most parents feel sleepy and tired. 4. Financial responsibility Having a child entails a huge financial responsibility. You want to provide your child with the best of everything and all little expenses can add up to be a lot. From diapers and formula to school supplies and health fees – the costs can add up quickly and cause a dent in your finances if you aren’t prepared. Parenting is a lifelong journey that requires patience, dedication and love. Even though it may feel overwhelming at times, watching your child grow up into a happy human being is the most rewarding feeling in the world. At every stage, you’ll find the joy of parenting coupled with parenthood challenges.  At One Friday World, we design kids wear and accessories that will act as perfect partners on your parenting journey. Find all your child’s needs met at our store and on our website. FAQs 1. Are all parents sleep-deprived? Babies have different sleep cycles and do not sleep through the night until a couple of months after birth. Parents, thus, are sleep deprived looking after the needs of their little ones through the night. 2. What is the financial cost of raising a baby? This might shock new parents, but the cost of raising a baby is huge. When you add up medical bills, diapers, clothes, accessories, milk powders, and skin care products – the bill can seem like a long one. 3. What is more difficult – the toddler stage or the teenage? Every stage of parenthood comes with its joys and challenges. While some parents may find the teenage easier to grapple with, others may find the toddler stage to be a piece of cake. It also depends on the child’s temperament and the kind of support system parents have.  4. By what age do babies start sleeping through the night? Most babies start sleeping through the night – or take an uninterrupted sleep of about 4-6 hours by the time they turn 6 months old. However, this varies from one child to another.
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sleepwear for your baby
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Choosing the Right Pyjamas and Sleepwear for Your Baby
Getting your kids some cutesy and comfy night suits and pyjama sets is essential in establishing a bedtime routine early in their life. A fixed bedtime routine enables a good night’s sleep and helps kids wake up happy and refreshed. It also promotes growth and development in children. The right pair of pyjamas and sleepwear put the kids in sleeping mode as it signals their minds it is time to calm down and rest. It also keeps them comfy all night long. If you are looking for comfy sleepwear for babies, you’ll be happy to discover One Friday’s collection of the most comfortable sleepwear for kids. Tips for choosing the right pyjamas and sleepwear for your baby Sleepwear and pyjamas are made using soft, breathable, roomy fabrics that give your baby’s skin space to breathe and feel free through the night. Choosing the right pair of pyjamas and sleepwear is essential in giving your baby a restful night’s sleep, so here are some tips you can employ to get your kids the right set of pyjamas and nightwear. 1.  Consider the size of the sleepwear you are planning to buy Although most nightwear tends to be roomy, it shouldn’t be too big for your child to sag and slip from his body. Neither should it be tight, constricting his movements during sleep. Try buying sleepwear with adjustable waistbands like this cutesy brown night suit. 2. Consider your kid’s age For babies, it makes more sense to buy rompers, so that it is easier for you to change their diapers through the night. But for older kids, you can buy night suits with front buttons that are easy to wear and take off. This fruity night suit for girls is fun, while this car print night suit will become your boy’s favourite. 3. Consider the material of the night suit you are buying If you’re wondering what is the best fabric for kids' pyjamas, cotton is the answer. Cotton is the most suitable fabric for nightwear as it is lightweight, breathable and airy – helping keep your child’s body cool. Get your hands on this striped orange night suit set for your boy.  4. Temperature Whether you sleep with your AC on or not should affect the kind of sleepwear you choose for your child. If you sleep in relatively low temperatures, you must dress your child in a full sleeves night suit like this printed blue night suit. Otherwise, you can pick a night suit with short sleeves too like this striped green night suit to keep your child comfortable. 5. Layering Do not excessively layer your children while putting them to sleep. It restricts their movements and makes them uncomfortable, sweaty and irritable. Instead, if the weather is cold, you can cover them with a soft blanket or dress them in fleece-lined night suits or other warm fabrics so that they stay warm and comfortable. 6. Involve your child in picking a night suit for him/her Every child has his taste and preferences. Make sure you accommodate them while buying a pair of sleepwear for your little one. When a child feels involved in the decision-making process, the chances of his cooperation increase. If your child loves cars, you can get him this vehicle-printed night suit. If he can’t wait for the Christmas season already, get your hands on this night suit set. Check out our range of stylish pyjamas that do not compromise on style. They come with adjustable waistbands, pockets and elastic cuffs for a flexible fit. They are roomy, trendy and give a cool, relaxed vibe.  At One Friday World, we stay up to date with global fashion trends and this taste gets reflected in our designs too. Through our distinctive and cutting-edge designs, we share tales of adventures. We source our fabrics, raw materials and trims by internationally recognised standards. Our design team in Milan, Italy, has spent countless hours selecting unique colour palettes and adorable designs that make up our extensive collection of clothing and accessories available both in stores and online. To bring you the newest and freshest from the fashion world, we anticipate the latest trends, colours and prints and provide them in our collection. Shop for a variety of kids wear and accessories at One Friday World. FAQs 1. What should I look for when buying pyjamas for my baby? You must look at the fabric, the waistband – if it has an elastic band that can be adjusted - and how well it fits your child to provide him maximum comfort and ease all night long. 2. What fabric is safe for children's sleepwear? Cotton is your best bet during the summer season as it is lightweight, breathable and airy. During the winter season, fleece works well as it is soft and comfortable. 3. Does sleepwear impact kids’ quality of sleep? Yes. A comfortable pair of sleepwear will keep your kids happy through the night, ensuring they sleep through the night and wake up refreshed and energised.
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summer fashion trends for girls
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The Latest Summer Fashion Trends For Girls
If you’re looking to refresh your little fashionista’s wardrobe this summer season, you need to know about the latest fashion trends for girls. Otherwise, you may fall into the trap of buying similar clothes over and over again. Let’s arm you with this knowledge and help you get new fashion trends for girls. Rest assured, your daughter will turn heads everyday while looking chic and staying comfy. Trendy Summer Fashion trends For Everyday Style Read on to find some trending summer fashion for girls. Refresh your little one’s wardrobe with our suggestions and compliments are sure to follow her way.  Cool graphic prints Graphic prints are the rage this season. With our design team in Milan, Italy keeping up with global fashion trends, you can rest assured that our prints and patterns are cool, unique and unlike any other in the market. Try this stunning vibrant printed top with a satin bow or pick this subtle lilac top with The Little Mermaid print.  Co-ord sets From mums to teenagers and little girls – everyone is sporting a co-rd set and it is definitely amongst the biggest summer fashion trends for girls.  Why should your little one be left behind? Try this chic blue and white pleated top with matching skirt and watch your girl look like a little lady. Jumpsuits Jumpsuits are the easiest way to look party ready and stylish in no time. They’re new fashion girls clothing and are super comfortable. Try this green jumpsuit for a family function or go for this navy blue jumpsuit for a birthday party. Stylish sleeves When looking for new fashion style for girls ideas, you can’t miss stylish sleeves. Help your girl make a statement in this Off White Mermaid Top with chic sleeves or this White top with contrasting yellow Schiffili sleeves. Tropical prints After all, nothing speaks spring summer like a good old tropical print. Add this multi colored printed dress to your girl’s wardrobe. How about this fun, fruity night suit to keep her comfy and cosy all night long? Schiffili pattern A timeless pattern that’s made a comeback this season, Schiffili is everywhere and rightly so. It’s delicate, pretty and perfect for summer, like this classic white off-shoulder top that can be paired with everything. Delicate lace Lace can make everything look delicate and refined. You must get your daughter this classic white dress with lace hemline to wear at all occasions or this gorgeous Off white lace top with a matching skirt. Fun accessories Accessories can make or break a look. Pick statement accessories that uplift your girl’s look like this Grey studded party wear hair band or this elegant beige handbag for girls.  At One Friday World, we stay up to date with global fashion trends and this taste gets reflected in our designs too. Through our distinctive and cutting-edge designs, we share tales of adventures. We source our fabrics, raw materials and trims in accordance with internationally recognised standards. Our design team in Milan, Italy, has spent countless hours selecting unique colour palettes and adorable designs that make up our extensive collection of clothing and accessories available both in stores and online. To bring you the newest and freshest from the fashion world, we anticipate the latest trends, colours and prints and provide them in our collection. Shop for a variety of kids wear and accessories, including hair bands, handbags and much more at One Friday World. FAQs 1. How do I find new fashion trends for my girl? You can follow mini fashion bloggers on Instagram and Pinterest. They can be celeb kids or ordinary little girls with great personal style, who follow and influence fashion trends. 2. Why should girls wear loose clothing in summer? Loose clothing is comfortable and airy, keeping the body cool. But, baggy clothing is also in trend and Gen Z can’t seem to get enough of it. 3. How do I dress my child to help him/her stand out in the crowd? Help your child wear one statement piece – whether it is a stylish top, well cut pants, a fancy accessory. This is the golden rule of good styling. Apart from that, boost your child’s confidence so that he/she has the ability to carry everything they wear with charm.
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The Role of Belts in Completing Your Child's Outfit
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  • Article author: Neha Agarwal
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The Role of Belts in Completing Your Child's Outfit
Belts are an important accessory in everyone’s wardrobe. Kids need belts as much as adults do, to hold up their pants and keep them in place, while also making a style statement. It may feel tricky to a child to open and close a belt on his own initially, but if you’d show your child how to unfasten it, put it through the loops a couple of times, they’d be able to make use of their motor skills and learn their way through it. There’s a reason why belts are in vogue. From lehengas to shorts, jumpsuits to formal pants – you’d see a belt tying up a whole look together. It’s a must-have accessory in your child’s wardrobe.  Belts come in many patterns, prints, colors and forms today. You don’t necessarily have to get your belt across hoops – you can simply tie it around your child’s waist or secure it with hooks.  Role of belts in child's outfit Unlike other accessories, belts are worn not just for enhancing an outfit, but also have practical uses and functions. Here are a few roles belts play in children’s outfits: 1. They look aesthetically pleasing When you wear a belt, you visually break your look in to two parts – the upper and lower. The breaking up of the outfit looks visually pleasing and aesthetic when done with the right color coordination. 2. Help keep bottom wear in place Every child is different and their physical measurements don’t always match up to brands’ size charts. It is smarter to buy one size up for kids’ clothes as children outgrow their clothes quickly. Belts go a long way in helping a child get a proper fit by preventing his clothes from sagging or slipping down. 3. They can be paired with different outfits Gone are the days when belts were only born by boys on formal occasions with trousers and pants. Today, belts appear everywhere from Lehengas to tops and skirts. A simple contrasting belt with a subtle outfit or a solid colored belt with a vibrant outfit can elevate your child’s look and help them look more refined. Different styles of belts for kids Belts come in a variety of styles and can be used creatively to modify and create different and new looks every day. Here are some popular belt styles: 1. Classic belts Every child needs timeless belts in shades of blue, black and brown to hold his bottom wear in place and match his outfit effortlessly. Try our classic belts available in three sizes to suit your child. 2. Criss-cross belts These belts come in a knitted pattern of different color combinations and look stunning. They’d add charm to your little one’s outfit and refine his look. Try this red and blue belt or this multi colored belt. 3. Solid colored belts These belts are statement pieces that can be worn in contrast to your child’s outfit. If your child is wearing a subtle colored monotone outfit, jazz it up with this bright red belt. But if your little one is wearing a poppy colored outfit, you can balance it with this grey belt. 4. Tie around belts These belts are made using softer cloth fabrics, instead of leather and can be tied around your child’s waist – at the front, back or sides – into a knot. Take a look at how this matching white belt enhances the look of these Schiffili shorts. Or, get your daughter this purple jumpsuit with a vibrant tie around belt that looks super cute. 5. Embellished belts These are embroidered or embellished belts that can instantly uplift an outfit and make it party ready, like these blue suede trousers that have an embellished buckle belt design, enhancing their look. Or, get your daughter this mint lace jumpsuit with a pearl embellished belt to help her look like a little lady. Choosing the right belt for kids Depending on your child’s age, you must introduce different kinds of belts to their wardrobe. If you are dressing up a baby or a toddler with developing motor skills, try to dress them in attached belts that do not need to be opened and closed. Like this tie around belt with shorts or this attached belt with an embellished buckle. You can also get your daughter this dress with a drawstring style of belt that’ll help the dress fit your daughter perfectly. For older kids, you can use all sorts of belts. Choose the correct size when picking a belt. At One Friday World, our belts come in three sizes that can be fitted according to the child’s waist. Explore belts and many more kids’ accessories at One Friday World.  At One Friday World, we stay up to date with global fashion trends and this taste gets reflected in our designs too. Through our distinctive and cutting-edge designs, we share tales of adventures. We source our fabrics, raw materials and trims in accordance with internationally recognised standards. Our design team in Milan, Italy, has spent countless hours selecting unique colour palettes and adorable designs that make up our extensive collection of clothing and accessories available both in stores and online. To bring you the newest and freshest from the fashion world, we anticipate the latest trends, colours and prints and provide them in our collection. Shop for a variety of children's apparel and accessories, including hair bands, handbags and much more at One Friday World. FAQs 1. What types of belts are suitable for kids? If your child is young, you can use tie around belts that simply need to be knotted at the back or front. You can use regular belts for older kids after teaching them how to unfasten them independently. 2. At what age should children start wearing belts? You can dress up your new born baby too in a belt, as long as it’s soft, easy to tie and doesn’t irritate your child. 3. Can the same belts be used for both boys and girls? If your child is confident enough to carry an offbeat belt with his or her outfit, let them experiment and have fun. Most belts can be used for boys and girls.
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Tips for Managing Your Toddler’s Screen Time
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Tips for Managing Your Toddler’s Screen Time
Screens are everywhere and with schools also adapting to modern technology and setting up smart boards to teach kids – you can’t expect your child to not use screens. It’s an unrealistic expectation to hold from today’s generation. Instead, here’s what you can do – you can start managing screen time by setting a limit on the number of hours you want your child to watch screen. As parents, you can also set parental controls on your device and block channels that you do not want your child to see.  We all know how too much screen time can harm toddler development. Research has proven that excessive screen time can cause restlessness, lack of focus, speech delay and various other physiological and psychological effects on children. Our role as parents is managing screen time and using it in a manner that proves beneficial. According to eye specialists, here’s how much screen time is acceptable for kids according to their age group. You can refer to this insight or decide what’s best for your child depending on your situation. Average screen time for 0  to 18 months old – NO screen time except for video calling family Average screen time for 18 months  to 2 years old kids – less than one hour every day Average screen time for 2 to 5 years old kids – less than one hour per week day, less than 3 hours on weekend Average screen time for 6 years and older–  less than 2 hours per week day While we stay glued to our screens, we can’t expect our children to leave screens either. Screen time control is the only solution to this problem. We are listing below some time tested tips to reduce children’s screen time. You can pick some ways to manage your toddler’s screen time better: 1. Choose games that are appropriate for your toddler's age. When your child is engaged elsewhere, he won’t feel the need to stick to a screen. But you must give him age appropriate toys and play games that he will enjoy according to his motor skills and mental level. So, if you have a baby, she’ll enjoy playing peek-a-boo. A toddler might have fun playing hide and seek, while a four year old will enjoy puzzles, Lego Toy sets, and coloring books.  2. Stay away from the device yourself. Children are always watching us even if they aren’t listening to us. So if you’re glued to your phone screen or laptop for work, your child would think it’s normal for him to spend as many hours in front of screens too. Children can’t differentiate between work and play and so to teach them screen time management, you need to manage your own screen time too. 3. Concentrate on having fun rather than learning. We’re so bent on teaching our kids something new every single time we’re with them, that we take the fun out of the game and play. Just try to be present and involved with your child for some time that you set aside for them – in this time, give your child your undivided attention and gradually you’ll see they won’t ask for the phone as often.  4. Pick activities with easily visible visuals. Kids are sensory learners and the more you’d get their senses involved in a play, the more they’ll learn while having fun. So, pick out activities or games that are bright and colourful and make them wonder out loud and give them the outlet to express their creativity. 5. Be firm about routine and time limits. Parents set rules and kids test them, that’s how parenting works. It is our job as parents to be firm about our rules and routine and not let kids get away with breaking them. So when you set screen time for your kids, be consistent in not letting them have the phone for more than the set time and slowly, you’ll watch them abide by your rules much more easily. 6. Create screen free zones and times at home You can choose which areas/occasions no one will use a phone at – be it the dining table while having meals or in the bed or in the study room. You can even decide that while the family is performing some traditional ritual, the phone is not allowed and thus teach your kids about creating and respecting boundaries and rules. This will also break their habit of grabbing at the nearest device every time they’re bored or free.  FAQ's 1. Can I give a screen to my 8 month old baby? It is advised to not offer screens to children below 2 years of age. Instead, you can play audio files, rhymes and music to them or have them video call with family and friends.
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Importance of Sleep for Toddlers and Establishing a Sleep Routine
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Importance of Sleep for Toddlers and Establishing a Sleep Routine
Toddlers are a fireball of energy. They’re always in the mood to play and have fun. They’re curious about their environment and want to learn new things. And as all seasoned parents know, they don’t want to sleep – it seems like the least interesting thing for them to do. And yet, if they stay up past their bedtime, they become overstimulated, hyper and have even more trouble calming down and going to sleep. It’s a vicious cycle that can drain parents and even cause behavioural issues in children. This is why it’s so important that a toddler sleep schedule is fixed and children get a good night’s sleep along with a restful nap in the day for them to stay cheerful and happy. A bedtime routine for toddlers ensures this and makes the life of both the parent and the child easy. The Benefits of Toddler Bedtime Routines Toddlers love routines because it helps them know what is coming next and that makes them feel secure. Consistently and consciously establishing a bedtime routine for toddlers helps them get into the habit of sleeping on time and sleeping well. This also encourages the development of a fixed sleep cycle that forms the base for a healthy lifestyle.  Studies cannot insist enough on the importance of sleep for toddlers. Getting an adequate amount of sleep not only aids in physical growth but also improves attention, behaviour, learning ability and memory. It develops the overall mental and physical health of the child. On the other hand, children who do not get enough sleep are more prone towards developing high blood pressure, obesity and even depression. During sleep, the brain performs an important function. While the body relaxes and takes a break, the mind sorts through information processed through the day, stores it, replaces chemicals and even offers solutions to several problems.  A fixed toddler sleep schedule also ensures that the child does not get cranky and wakes up energised with increased levels of patience to handle big emotions better. Healthy toddler sleep patterns also help build his body’s immune system by producing proteins such as cytokines that help the body fight several infections and germs. According to the American Academy of Paediatricians, the following is the recommended number of sleeping hours that kids need, according to their age groups. You can refer to this to know if your child is getting his daily dose of sleep. Infants under 1 year: 12-16 hours Children 1-2 years old: 11-14 hours Children 3-5 years old: 10-13 hours Children 6-12 years old: 9-12 hours Teenagers 13-18 years old: 8-10 hours 8 Ways to Encourage Toddlers to Sleep Better A consistent toddler sleep schedule can be built by repeatedly doing the same activities daily till they become a habit. Here are a few ways to build a toddler's sleep schedule. 1. Dim the lights when it is time to sleep As you put your child through his bedtime activities, gradually keep dimming the lights of the bedroom, till just the night lamp is left switched on. This will serve as a subconscious reminder to your toddler’s brain that it is time to rest and go to sleep. 2. Read to your child Reading a book to your child is not just a great way to bond with your child, but it also relaxes him and puts him on a restful night of sleep. Try to pick books that end with the protagonist going to sleep to reinforce to your child that it’s time to head to bed. 3. Bedtime hygiene Tell your child that before they hit the bed, they must wash their face, hands and feet and brush their teeth. They might resist in the beginning, but eventually, they’ll get into the habit of it – not just encouraging good hygiene before bed, but also reminding the child that the next step to follow is to sleep. 4. When the night falls, we sleep Reinforce this throughout the day so that your child expects to be put to bed when the evening draws to a close. Repetition is the key. 5. Play the same music/playlist at bedtime every day. The idea here, again, is to subconsciously send the message to your toddler’s developing brain that the environment for him to sleep in is being prepared and so he must get ready for it. 6. Change into their pyjamas/night suits. Night suits are made with soft, breathable fabric to encourage restful sleep. They also have adorable prints, like these Brown Allover Print Night Suit available at One Friday that attract kids while also reminding them that it’s time to go to sleep. 7. Cuddle next to them under soft blanket forts. Kids love all things soft and when you’d offer them a cuddling session under cozy blanket forts, where you could tell stories or just talk about your day with each other – they’ll love looking forward to bedtime for toddlers. 8. Tell them to wish goodnight to their favourite plush toy. Ask your toddler to repeat his bedtime routine with his favourite toy too and then put him to sleep. This will intuitively encourage him to sleep too. FAQ's 1. If my child goes to a party that is beyond his bedtime, he becomes even more energetic and doesn’t want to sleep. What to do? At a party, children become overstimulated due to which they have trouble handling their emotions. It makes sense to plan a nap before the party so that your child has the physical energy to stay up late. 2. How many naps should a child who has begun play school take during the day? One nap, after coming home from school, is usually sufficient for a 2 to 3-year-old child who has just begun school. However, every child has different needs and parents are the best judge of them. Read More Things you should see when looking for a play school for your child Ways To Explain Good Touch & Bad Touch To Kids 6 Tips To Get Your Toddler To Eat How Can You Make the Best Night Routine for Kids?
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Importance of Communication and Active Listening in Parenting
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Importance of Communication and Active Listening in Parenting
Most parents expect and demand of their children to listen to them, while not giving their kids the same attention back. We’re busy finishing up household chores or office tasks - and in the midst of all this we forget to pause to hear the little details our kids have to share with us. These stories and snippets that our kids keep telling us may seem small and irrelevant, but they form a huge part of our children’s lives and are very important to them. Our undivided attention means the world to our kids and helps them feel heard and seen. In order to build a strong bond of love with our children, we must hold the door for a two way communication and develop active listening skills that will go a long way in making our children feel secure and happy.  Importance of communication in parenting Every child has a few basic needs that parents or caregivers need to provide for them. There are physiological needs such as air, food, water, shelter; the need to feel safe from physical harm and finally the need to be loved, accepted and belong. When these needs are met for a child, he grows up into a happy, independent and content adult.  Importance of communication skills in parenting is not discussed enough. Communication plays a big role in making kids feel loved and accepted and active listening for parents is a key element in effective communication. It is a technique that helps parents and kids understand each other better by giving the other their undivided attention and by genuinely empathising with the others’ emotion.  Benefits of active listening in parenting Active listening is crucial for parents to establish healthy communication with their children. It is only through effective communication that parents can convey the love and care they feel for their children to them, leading to strong bonds of love and connection.  1. It builds trust Nothing makes kids feel loved, supported and understood like the way their parents’ undivided attention does. It helps them build enough trust in their parents to confide in them without the fear of being judged.  2. Helps the child to open up and speak freely You do not have to agree with your child on everything, but if you give your child the space to be his authentic self in front of you, he will not feel the need to hide things from you.  3. Develops empathy Effective Communication is the shortest route to empathy. When parents and children get their message across to each other loud and clear, they are able to step into each others’ shoes, which help them understand the others’ feelings and situation better, developing a steady foundation of mutual love and respect. 4. Resolves conflicts Unless you talk to each other and believe that the other truly cares for you and wants the best for you, you will not be able to resolve your conflicts. Conflicts can be healthy in any relationship, if they are resolved with mutual respect and understanding and this can be achieved only through effective communication and applying active listening techniques. What Are Active Listening Skills? They are a set of skills that are employed to understand the person on the other end of the communication better. It is a way of taking into note the other person’s feelings, emotions and intentions while communicating with them to develop healthy relationships.  1. Keep the phone away. You wouldn’t want someone to be on their phone while talking to you, right? Extend the same courtesy to your children while talking to them. They may not be able to say it in words, but they know when they are receiving their parents’ full attention.  2. Listen with your body Non verbal communication or body language makes up 80% of our communication. So if you are physically present but mentally absent from a conversation – your body gives away cues. When you are conversing with your kids, listen with your body – which means try to sit at their eye level, with your arms open in a relaxed manner, keep nodding at them to let them know you are really interested in being with them. 3. Let them finish before you respond As caregivers, we rush to solve our little one’s problems and try to offer them advice, solutions and lessons at every turn. Next time when you are listening to your toddler, let him finish his story first , however long or abrupt it may seem. This will encourage your child to share more often with you, without the fear of being interrupted by you. Give your child the gift of your patience. 4. Repeat what they’ve said. Paraphrasing will do two things – first it will make your child feel heard by you and second, it will give him a chance to introspect on the same story/perspective he just told you and that will make him derive lessons, conclusions and solutions on his own, which will foster independent thinking. 5. Encourage your child to introspect Ask open ended questions to your child while listening to him, such as, “ How did that make you feel?” or “What did you want to do after that” – this will not just keep your conversation going, but is a good way of getting your little one to introspect without much prodding on your end.  FAQ's 1. What’s the difference between listening and hearing? Hearing means receiving a sound through your ears, while listening means understanding the meaning behind that sound/audio. Listening happens with the intention to understand, while we keep hearing all sorts of sounds all day long.  2. How important is non verbal communication? Non verbal communication makes up most of our communication which includes body language, tone, facial expressions and emotional state while communicating with somebody. Conclusion There are many times in a day when parents can connect with their kids and practise active listening with them, to strengthen their relationship. This can be on waking up, while cuddling in bed, during bath time, play time or while reading books at bed time. Take any opportunity in the day to sit down with your child and give him your undivided attention to actively tune in to his feelings and simply listen to him. This will make your kids feel heard and they will share more and more with you. Dress your kids in clothes that move with them and keep them playful and happy all day long. At One Friday World, we have a team of designers based in Milan, Italy who keep up with latest global kids’ wear trends and provide us with truly one-of-a-kind accessories and apparels for kids.
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Coping with the Stresses of Parenthood: Tips for Self-care
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  • Article author: Neha Agarwal
  • Article tag: Parenting
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Coping with the Stresses of Parenthood: Tips for Self-care
Being a parent is a tough job and it can take a toll on the caregivers if they forget to take care of themselves too. Being entirely responsible for another human being, who is incapable of feeding, bathing or even expressing himself is an understated and full-time job that can get stressful if you’re not careful. All parents feel this stress at some point in their parenting journey and it gets translated into strenuous relationships, misbehaving kids and health issues that can worsen the quality of their lives. Before you get completely drained, here’s how you can re-fill your cup of well-being and carry on being a happy parent. Here’s how to cope with parenting stress. Read on and discover some self-care strategies for parents. What are the main reasons for stress in parents? Some recurring factors can lead to parents feeling like they are in a persistent state of stress. If we are aware of our triggers, we can consciously work to handle stress better and not react in a way that we regret later. Here are some pointers that may be leading to parenting anxiety in you. Guilt trip All parents feel guilty for not doing enough for their kids. We’re either worrying about not feeding our kids enough healthy food, or we’re worrying about their academic abilities and social skills. Parents must remember that guilt only makes us feel like bad parents while accepting our present situation and its limitations helps us stay content, relaxed and involved in our kids’ lives. Constant comparison Comparing your child’s skills and abilities with every other child will only make him feel inadequate and lacking. Parents must accept that every child is special and must work on honing their little one’s qualities, instead of comparing and appreciating some other child in the spotlight. Fear of failing as parents There’s a popular quote that says “Parent the child you have, not the one you wish you had”. We all feel like boasting our child’s abilities to the world, but when our kids misbehave or go against the flow, we fear that we’ll be termed as failing parents amongst friends and family. This fear makes us want to punish our kids in unhealthy ways when they need our connection and empathy. Working on auto-pilot mode Parenting is a 24/7 job, where we are constantly looking after the several needs of our children. But if we don’t take out a few moments in the day to re-centre ourselves, we will feel drained and our mind and body will stop coordinating with us. It’s a good idea to take a break without reaching the point of saturation. Denying yourself time and not acknowledging your stress There are no medals for parents who reserve zero time for themselves. Denying ourselves time is refusing to fill our cup of well being –which only results in diminishing our ability to connect to our kids. So, when you’re stressed, acknowledge it, give yourself time, make a strategy for the future and get back to parenting. Not connecting with your child Forming a deep bond of love with our children while playing with them or spending time with them releases happy hormones that can instantly lift our moods and decrease our stress levels. So, lighten up and focus on connecting with your child instead of trying to teach them something all the time. 9 Tips for Stressed-Out Parents Your child deserves a happy, calm parent and you must do everything in your power to be this for your little one. Here are a few tips and the importance of self-care for parents to cope with motherhood stress and help them manage their anxiety better.  Seek support from family and friends Asking for help doesn’t make you weak or a bad parent. The African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child” insists that it takes many adults to provide a healthy and safe environment for kids to grow up in. Asking friends and family to occasionally look after your kids gives you time to finish chores or pursue hobbies and also helps kids develop social skills. Talk to mothers who are in your age group Swapping your struggles and sharing stories with mothers who are in the same boat as you will not only make you feel heard and understood, but it will also make you feel less alone in this journey. You might even get tricks and tips for problems that you’re facing. Give yourself an hour – fix it and follow it Don’t feel guilty about taking time to recharge and rejuvenate. Having some time to yourself after making sure your kids are safe will only give you the energy you need to parent better and more mindfully. Don’t spend all your spare time scrolling We’ve all developed the unhealthy habit of mindlessly scrolling through our phones to distract ourselves after our kids have gone to bed or are engaged somewhere else. This doesn’t just drain us, it also fails to recharge us like pursuing a hobby would and we end up feeling bad about not using our time productively. Get professional help If you’re feeling overwhelmed with parenting and find yourselves unable to function, you must seek medical help. You can talk to your paediatrician, your gynaecologist or a professional therapist – all of whom will provide you with a safe space to vent and then strategise with you to manage your emotions and situations better. Spend some time with your spouse We become so busy with our kids that we forget who we used to be as individuals before we became parents. Spending time with your spouse, without the kids and other distractions, if only for a few minutes can help you feel heard and seen and loved. This will go a long way in managing your stress every day. Prioritise your food and sleep This may seem like a basic thing, but we often ignore our bodily needs when we are busy parenting our kids, which in turn causes nutritional deficiencies that drain our energy. Make sure you get adequate rest – even if it means skipping Netflix –and be mindful of eating healthy food as often as you can. Don’t fall into the trap of social media Social media may make the lives of other parents seem seamless and happy – but remember that the grass is always greener on the other side. Every parent has their share of struggles and that’s a side social media fails to throw light on, so don’t feel inadequate looking at someone’s smiling, perfect pictures. Focus on the good thing Instead of trying to be someone who cooks nutritious food for their kids, reads books to them, plays games with them, and does homework – try to do one thing you’re good at and enjoy doing it with all your heart. Quality time spent with kids is more important than spending all your time hovering over them.  FAQs 1. Am I a bad mother for feeling so stressed all the time? No, but feeling stressed all the time is your body’s way of telling you that it is feeling drained and needs a break. Ask for help and give yourself some rest – you deserve it. 2. Can one seek professional help for dealing with parenting anxiety? Yes. You can talk to your paediatrician, or gynaecologist or consult a medical therapist.  Also Read Ways To Explain Good Touch & Bad Touch To Kids Things you should see when looking for a play school for your child 9 Ways & Activities to Connect With Your New-Born Baby The five best parenting books to raise confident kids
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