
6 exciting ways to make study time fun for toddlers - One Friday World
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6 exciting ways to make study time fun for toddlers
Our little toddlers are busy beings who love to learn new concepts every day! They are sensory learners who love to touch, smell and taste everything which helps them understand the world around them. They perceive the world differently than us. Following a routine might seem boring for us but for toddlers, routines are essential. Routines give our cuties a sense of being smart. Even though they are always learning, having a fixed study time and playtime ensures that they feel secure and confident. It also makes them more independent to do their tiny activities at a scheduled time.  If you’re wondering how to make a study plan for small kids and what could be the best study techniques for toddlers, we’re here to help you with study tips and tricks for toddlers. Make a timetable for studying at home  Toddlers love routines! They like doing their morning rituals at specific times every single day! Their bedtime sweet talks and story time better not change. Going off the routine might actually make your little monkey throw a tantrum instead. So a scheduled study routine will help them. Make a timetable for study at home and stick to the timetable every day and you will be sowing the seeds of a healthy study plan in your little one.  Study tips and tricks for toddlers - How to make a toddler’s study plan?  Cognitive development and language development are the two big areas your little one is picking up at this age. Toddlers learn best through the ‘play and learn’ method. It’s a good idea to try and make this play and learn time as enjoyable as possible. It’s ok if they make a little mess. Mid-mornings are the best time to study for toddlers. After they are done with their morning tasks, set aside an hour or two for their study time where your little one can play and learn! Include various things like texture play, shape recognition, and sounds in their study plan. By 15 months of age, your little darlings can say their first words and can follow directions when they are given both sound and gesture. Their vocabulary starts growing from 1 and 2 words to about 50 words by the time they are two years old. Some of the most effective study tips for toddlers are to include language cues and plays that help in their cognitive development. Let’s see some study tips and tricks for toddlers that will make their study time fun and exciting.  Ideas to make study time fun for toddlers   #1 Designate a colourful study space  Toddlers love routines and schedules. Make a designated study area for your little one that is colourful, vibrant and lively. Their study space should include a colourful study table and chair. One of the best study techniques for toddlers is to create separate areas in their study space for different activities that are easily accessible by your little one. Get open shelves with baskets for different activities. For a sensory area, have baskets with shapes and blocks. Make a math area where you can keep number rods or abacus that can teach them numbers from 1- 10. You could also include wooden beads and threads for beading activities to develop their motor skills. #2 Finger Painting, Scavenger Hunt for Colour Recognition One of the best study tips and tricks for toddlers is to let your kids have fun with colours to teach them colour recognition. Let your little darling place her tiny hands on a plate of toddler-safe colour and help her make a handprint on paper. Or name the colour and paint her fingers as a fun learning activity. Once their masterpiece is dry, put it in a frame and hang it as their room’s masterpiece.  Other techniques on how to study effectively and reinforce colour recognition are to ask them to go on a scavenger hunt and separate objects by colour.  Send your tiny one on a scavenger hunt around the house looking for items that match a particular colour. Choose bright primary colours for such activities. Or ask her to sort different blocks according to colours. Tell her about the rainbow and seven colours and sing the rainbow song!  #3 Sing Vocabulary Words  Nurture your little ones' language and vocabulary skills by making cute songs or tunes with rhyming words. Sing the classic alphabet song or nursery rhymes like Incy Wincy Spider. During the toddler years, your little one will learn nine to ten new words each day. You could encourage their singing at different times of the day – during bath time, while going out on a stroll so that they repeat the words they captured that day!  #4 Texture Play  Your tiny one will love his time at the sand pit, digging and piling up sand. These activities improve children’s motor skills. Toddlers are sensory learners, so if your little bundle of joy wants to spend a little more time at the sand pit, let him do it. For the best routine for study for kids make alphabet cut outs or shape cutouts on differently textured paper and let them touch and feel them. Or make a scrapbook where you can ask your tiny tots to decorate with different textures like cotton, beads, beans, textured paper or even dried pasta!  #5 Counting Everyday items  Your 2-year-old genius might have learned numbers 1-10 and can recite them easily. Encourage him to count the number of beans after you place 3 beans on a plate. You can teach your little prodigy simple counting and math by doing exercises like saying “I have two candies, so I need 1 more to make it three candies!”  #6 Play, Play, Play!  Playing and learning is one of the best study techniques for toddlers. Let your little angel play with different kinds of games like wooden jigsaw puzzles, floor puzzles, shape sorters, and colour blocks. Include enough play time in their study plan and let your darling play with toys, musical instruments, crayons and colours for better cognitive development.  Conclusion  Let your tiny one be herself and be gentle and friendly with her while she plays and learns. A little mess is okay. Teach your toddler to keep the toys back in their dedicated places after she is done playing. This will teach her organization and responsibility. The best routine for study for kids should have 30 minutes of sensorial, language and pre-math activities and at least an hour of pure playtime. Let your little explorer discover the fun of learning while playing.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  Q1. What should a two-year-old be learning? A two-year-old should be learning about colour recognition, sounds, words, alphabets and shapes. They should be able to complete sentences and follow simple instructions. Q2. What topics should I Include in my toddler's study plan? A toddler’s study plan should include sensorial activities, simple math activities, and language activities with alphabet recognitions and rhymes. Also, include pure play time with toys.  Q3. Should a 2-year-old know ABCs? Most preschoolers already know alphabet by the time they enter school. By age two your little one should be able to recognise some letters and pronounce them. The best study techniques for toddlers are to use sing-aloud songs. ABC song is the easiest way to teach ABCs to your little one angel!
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How to have good oral health for kids? - One Friday World
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How to have good oral health for kids?
All About Dental Health Dental health is a very important aspect of one’s overall health. Our teeth play a vital role in giving shape to our facial appearance, our smile and consequently boosting our confidence too. Furthermore, children’s oral hygiene is even more important because it can have a lasting and far reaching impact on the alignment of children’s teeth.  It is essential that you undertake multiple efforts to maintain children’s dental health. This is true for children who have milk teeth as well. Even though milk teeth fall off, it is important to develop a brushing routine from a young age so that kids understand that dental health is an essential part of daily hygiene. (1)  If you are looking for ways to effectively take care of your child’s oral health then we suggest you read along. Children's oral health facts Pediatric oral health is very important for making sure that children develop strong teeth. When parents lay emphasis on children’s oral care then they reinforce a positive habit in their kid to always take care of his teeth.  You must keep in mind the following facts about dental hygiene for pre schoolers. When good dental practices are observed regularly, then the process of maintaining good dental health is not expensive at all. Negligence in doing the same can lead to unforeseen expenditures.  In order to maintain dental hygiene for preschoolers, the importance of brushing is paramount because almost half of 8 year olds have visible signs of tooth cavity. (1)  By the time your child is two and a half years old, he must have a full set of teeth and must be well versed with the habit of brushing and flossing.  How to care for children's teeth? These are some dental health tips for preschoolers that can be instrumental in safeguarding their oral health.  1. Inculcate the habit of brushing in your child Dental hygiene is very important for maintaining your child’s teeth’s quality. If your child is yet to get his teeth, you must use a washcloth to clean his gums and once his teeth come out, you should use a baby tooth brush with some fluoride toothpaste to gently brush your child’s teeth. Subsequently, you should start encouraging your child to brush his/her teeth twice a day. Brushing one’s teeth before bedtime is very important. 2. Encourage your child to use a Sippy cup after six months  When your child drinks from a bottle or sleeps with the bottle in his mouth, then the chances of tooth decay significantly increase. After six months of age, you should encourage your child to drink from a sippy cup so that they can become habitual of it and eventually leave the bottle.  3. Sugary drinks are the primary cause of cavities in children  Too much sugar is harmful for your child, because it can over-stimulate your child. It is bad for their dental hygiene as well, as residual sugar can accumulate around their gums. Encourage your children to wash their mouth and brush their teeth after they consume anything of this nature.  4. Always opt for a fluoride toothpaste  When we use a fluoride toothpaste, our tooth enamel gets strengthened. This bodes well for your child’s tooth health. In order to choose the perfect toothpaste for your child, you can consult your dentist. (2)  5. Opt for regular dental check ups  Parents must ensure that they take their kids to the dentist once every three months or at least once a year. This will enable them to learn about effective ways to maintain the overall health of their children’s teeth and consequently acquaint them with good oral hygiene habits too. Timely visits to the dentist can help you manage the onset of a number of tooth problems.   Children's teeth problems/Dental Problems These are some of the most common children’s teeth problems: 1. Cavities : Since children love sugary drinks, they are prone to developing cavities. As a matter of fact, nearly 520 million children around the world suffer from cavities.  2. Sensitivity: Tooth sensitivity is a common problem in children. This is a particularly uncomfortable problem as it can cause your child to not enjoy his favourite food items too. In order to look for signs and causes of sensitivity, you should plan a visit to your child’s dentist at least once or twice a year. 3. Gum problems :  Gum sensitivity, swelling or inflammation is pretty common in children. This could be a precursor to an underlying tooth problem and parents should be proactive in getting it checked from their trusted dentist as soon as possible.  4. Tooth emergencies : There is a big possibility that children might fracture or chip their teeth while playing. In such a scenario, a dentist is the only one who can cure the problem in the best possible way.  How to brush children's teeth / Importance of brushing teeth Brushing is the most potent dental hygiene practice that can go a long way in taking care of your teeth. It is the most effective way of preventing the buildup of germs or plaque that can have detrimental effects on your child’s teeth. You can adhere to the following tips to brush your child’s teeth properly.  Start by choosing a good children’s toothbrush and a child friendly toothpaste to have good teeth care. Get your child to sit in a comfortable position or on your lap and then use the toothbrush to brush along the gum line to clean each and every tooth properly.  Brush in small circular motions and don’t forget to clean the inside and outside of their mouth.  After brushing, encourage your child to spit out the excess toothpaste.  While using a child-friendly toothpaste, it is important to remember that if your child fails to spit out the extra toothpaste from their mouth, it won’t cause them any harm.  General Tips for Parents for maintaining children's oral care Parents can use the following tips to encourage their children to engage in good oral care practices.  Engage your child while you brush their teeth. In fact, let them do it on their own first. This will nudge them to learn the art of brushing and get better at it with daily practice.  Make brushing a fun time for your child. You can play his/her favourite song or keep their favourite soft toy close by.  Make them friendly with their dentist so that they don’t dread going to him if the need for it arises.  If your toddler doesn’t like brushing his teeth in the bathroom, it is advisable to make him brush his teeth at some other location in the house to make it fun. Gradually, ease your child into brushing in the bathroom. FAQs 1. How does bad oral health affect a child and his self confidence? Bad oral health can translate into brittle teeth and bad breath. This can negatively affect the self confidence of a child by making him conscious while he speaks or smiles. Good dental habits don’t just augment tooth health but they play a significant role in augmenting one’s confidence as well.  2. What can be the causes of bad oral health of kids? The most common causes of bad oral health are cavities and tooth decay which are caused due to improper and infrequent brushing of teeth. Since young kids mainly rely on milk for their nutrition, it is very easy for them to develop cavities if proper oral care is not taken.  3. How to have good oral health for kids? The most important way to encourage good oral health in kids is by acquainting them with the importance of good oral practices. Furthermore, parents should make sure that they take their kids to the dentist at least once a year to get their thorough oral check up done.
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Unique Organizing Ideas For Your Kids’ Room - One Friday World
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Unique Organizing Ideas For Your Kids’ Room
Kids get inspired by their surroundings and this includes the place they spend most of their time in - their homes. It is a good idea to have a separate room for your kids because it makes them confident and independent from a young age. You can style your child’s shelves, books, ceiling, wardrobe and every other article of furniture in his room according to his age and preference. Avoid sharp objects for younger children and keep big and bright picture books and toys for older kids. This will keep your kids happy in their room and let them play happily for many hours. Here are some room organization ideas that will help you save space too. These bedroom organization ideas will help you keep things organized and inspire your kids to play independently without getting bored quickly. Ideas To Store Kids’ Toys, Clothes, Books and Other Belongings If you are looking for some brilliant toys storage ideas, we’re here to help you.  The most important thing to remember while reorganising or redecorating your child’s room is that your child must like the changes you’ve made and it should inspire him to play independently. Our unique and creative tips will ensure you get more space and organize everything better while ensuring your kids love the new setup too. 1. Utilise Storage Under The Kids’ Bed Beds take up the maximum space in any room, which leaves little space for kids' clothes, books and toys. The area under the bed can be redesigned to make a storage space for their extra toys and books. This is one of the best toys’ storage ideas that will save a lot of space and make the room look more neat too. 2. Put Kids’ Shoes in Storage Bins Shoes lying about a room can make the room look dirty and untidy. Get your kids into the habit of putting their shoes in one fixed storage bin inside their room. This will not only inculcate cleanliness habits in your kids but will also save space in their room. 3. Use Baskets to Store Toys or Clothes All children enjoy playing with cars, action figures, board games, dolls and other toys. Storing these big toys in cupboards may not be the best idea as they occupy a lot of space. Instead, opt for a cool kids basket that enables you to store toys. These baskets are versatile and you can use the bigger ones for storing clothes such as sweaters, hoodies and pants, while the smaller baskets can be used for arranging under-garments and accessories. This will keep your kid’s wardrobe neat and organised. 4. Keep Study Desks Small If your kid’s room is small in size, stick to a compact study desk that is comfortable enough for your child to sit and study in, but also doesn’t occupy too much space. You can add drawers to this table later for storing stationery items and books. Additional drawers to the study table work is a great books storage idea too. 5. Go For Vertical Storage Vertical storage helps in making any space look neat and tidy. You can vertically store things in your child’s room in the form of floating shelves, toy organizers, top of wardrobe storage boxes and vertical storage units. All of these can effectively store your child’s books, toys and clothes while making the room look organised and inviting. Tips and Hacks Here are some bedroom organization tips and hacks that will help make your kid’s room look tidy and presentable. Get toy organizers that will help segregate your child’s toys into different baskets depending on their use and size. The larger toys can go into big childrens storage units while the smaller ones can be arranged in drawers or small top of wardrobe storage boxes so they don’t get lost. Keep the lesser used toys or books on top shelves. This will ensure that the toys your kids love playing with most, are within their reach in the more accessible bottom shelves.   Go for built-in storage options in different pieces of furniture. Hidden drawers under the bed or study table can be a huge space saver and will help in organizing your kid’s bedroom better. Involve your child in the decision making process of decorating his bedroom. This way, he will tell you his preferences and dislikes and you two will eventually deck up his room in a way that he likes being in most. Discard the unnecessary stuff. The only way to declutter your kid’s bedroom is to prioritise which stuff to keep and what items to get rid of. As kids grow older, there are more and more items they no longer need. You must learn to let go of them instead of hoarding them for the future.   Pro Tip To Organize Kids’ Wardrobe Designate a time, preferably when your kids are not at home, to rearrange your kid’s closet. You can be sure you won’t be able to finish this huge task at hand with your children around. Have a plan in mind and take inventory of the number of items you have and the space you need to store them in your kid’s closet. This will help you arrange better. If possible, use two rows of hanging bars to store kids’ clothes. You can separate them into daily wear and party wear. Use storage bins or childrens storage baskets under the hangers to store your child’s shoes and accessories.
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6 Tips To Get Your Toddler To Eat - One Friday World
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6 Tips To Get Your Toddler To Eat
Toddlers tend to be fussy eaters. They may eat less than you desire or may flatly refuse to eat what’s on their plate and demand something else. No wonder then that it becomes challenging for parents to ensure their toddler gets the right amount of nutrients through his/her diet. But as parents, we need to remember that our toddlers are going through many physical changes due to growth spurts that affect their appetite and make them fussy about food. They also don’t grow as fast as babies do, so their food requirement is less. But most importantly, it is their curiosity about their surroundings that makes them unable to sit in one place and finish off their food in one go. They also have a short attention span and can not keep doing one single activity for long. But this may result in a baby not eating right and not meeting his growth milestones. So, it becomes the parent's responsibility to coax their kids and get their cooperation so they can get their daily dose of nutrition for the healthy growth of their bodies. Let’s look at some tips for getting your toddler to eat a healthy and hearty meal. But before that, here are some reactions that toddlers can have to food. Some Reactions Toddlers Can Have To Food If you observe your child not eating food, it is not necessary that he is throwing a tantrum. He may be allergic to specific kinds of food. This is the right age to learn about your child’s allergies and avoid them in the future. Food allergies can be present in the form of a variety of symptoms like itching in the mouth, eczema, swelling of the lips, tongue or mouth, trouble breathing, stomach pains, vomiting, diarrhoea or hives. The most common foods that children are allergic to are milk, eggs, soy, wheat, peanuts, fish and tree nuts. It might help to carefully observe the responses of your toddler’s body to these foods. Nutrition Value Every Toddler Should Get Daily Toddlers need balanced nutrition, which means they must eat food from all five food groups. They need 4 servings of cereals and grains in a day, where 1 serving includes one slice of bread or a half cup of cooked rice. They need one serving of fruit each day which can be given in the form of 1 medium apple, banana or other fruit. 2.5 servings of vegetables must be given per day which includes one medium potato, 1 cup cooked veggies or 1 cup leafy greens. Milk is important for toddlers in their growing age, so they must be given 1.5 cups of regular milk or another alternative like soy milk with at least 100 mg of added calcium. They can be introduced to meat, fish and eggs in small servings by giving them 1 serving per day. Nuts and legumes can also be given as 1 cup of cooked lentils or beans. Lastly, healthy fats must also be incorporated into their diet in the form of 2-3 teaspoons of olive, canola or rice bran oil or nut pastes. Tips To Make Toddlers Eat 1. Have Meals Together Make sure you have the big meals of the day along with your child, so they can see you eat healthy foods. Ensure you’re setting a good example because you are a role model for your kids. Toddlers tend to eat more healthy foods when they regularly have family meals together. Also, your child will learn your eating habits by watching you, so this is the best way to help them develop good habits from a younger age. Make mealtime a happy, social and regular family event. Show your child how much you enjoy eating the food you have made and they will follow suit. 2. Offer New Food More Times When you offer a new type of food, it’s possible that your baby refuses to eat it right away. But you should keep introducing it in small quantities and encourage them to try one bite without complaining. New foods must be offered along with at least one food that your child already likes and eats easily. They may need to see, smell or taste the food several times before starting to eat it regularly. Toddlers’ interest in foods can fluctuate wildly, so they may end up liking a food that they once disliked! 3. Let Toddlers Feed Themselves Toddlers can start finger feeding from as early as 9 months of age and can learn to use utensils at 15-18 months. Letting them self-feed is an important process in learning to eat. Let them use their instincts of sight, smell and touch to explore the food they’re given. Also, expect some mess in this process. Toddlers also try to be independent at their age by refusing to eat food, or only eating the food they want. Letting them feed themselves is a good tip to let them choose what they want to eat out of the healthy options you have laid out. Don’t Bargain With Unhealthy Options The most common mistake parents make while getting a baby not eating food to eat his spinach or broccoli is promising to give him a cookie after. This only makes the child hate the healthy food and develop a mindset that meal foods are less valuable than treat foods. Bribing them with dessert does not work in the long run because it doesn’t help develop healthy eating habits. Instead, you can keep teaching them the benefits of nutritious food, but don’t try to force it down their throat or cheer when they have a bite of something healthy on their own. Offer them a variety of healthy foods so they can choose one they like the best. This way, they will develop a liking for healthy foods without an obsession with unhealthy food. Serve Right Portions Many parents tend to overestimate the amount of food a child can eat and hence, serve more than what they need. Toddlers have a good sense of when they are hungry and full, so when they stop eating or tell you their meal is over by playing around with their food, you can let them leave the table to read a book or play. Especially when you’re experimenting with new foods, start with smaller portions such as one or two tablespoons, which is enough to develop a liking over the long run. Bigger portions may lead to overeating, while smaller portions let the child learn to try different foods and eat at their pace. Try Using Different Utensils The more a child is excited about mealtime, the more he tends to eat the healthy food you want. Making mealtime an enjoyable experience means that you must use interesting utensils like colourful Silicon Feeding Sets that are safe for the child to use on their own. Silicon plates and sippers with different animals or prints make the child more receptive to eating the food kept in them. Toddlers want to feel like they are independent by using their own utensils like sippers, plate sets etc. This promotes self-feeding, which is a healthy way to encourage good eating habits.  
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Things to Look for When Buying Boys' Clothes Online
As your little boy grows older, he’s going to start developing his unique style. His preferences, likes and dislikes will start to become more defined. Buying boy’s clothes online is...
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Top 12 Stylish Winter Outfits Ideas For Girls In 2022 - One Friday World
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Top 12 Stylish Winter Outfits Ideas For Girls In 2022
Winter is a fun season to shop for. While it may be fun to dress your little girl up, it is also a great opportunity for them to learn how to dress - with style. That being said, every mom will look for girls’ winter outfits that not only look good but also provide warmth, comfort and most importantly can last more than one season. Here Are 12 Winter Outfit Ideas for Girls That are Budget-Friendly, Look Good, and Hit Those Style Notes Spot-On. 1. Keep It Light and Fresh With A Floral Jacket This off-white floral jacket is a great option if you’re trying to get something that can be used not only in winter but for the cooler months of the year. For those nights where it’s a little chilly but not cold enough for a sweater or early winter days. When dressing your little one up - have them choose the jacket to go over their outfit as an early form of using their personal taste to make decisions as well as developing color association. 2. Get A Bit Classy With A Navy Knit Sweater Who says kids can’t look cute for playdates?!! This Claudia Knit Bolero sweater is just the right touch of adorable mixed with elegant chic. Perfect for those chilly winter days, a girl’s sweater is a must-have and a well-knit sweater will last at least a couple of years. 3. Keep It Cool While Staying Warm How about this super sleek party jacket?! It’s got style, it’s got pzaazz and it will surely keep your daughter warm. This super comfortable jacket will look good on pants as well as over a cute little dress. Add an adorable pair of bellies and you’ve got a young lady dressed to impress. Here’s another opportunity to help your child develop their taste whilst keeping comfortability as a priority; dress them up in both a pants option and a dress/skirt option and have them pick which is the better option for them. This way they make a decision based on what they see in the mirror as well as what they feel when wearing both options. 4. Go Retro With Cardigans While cardigans may have been a geeky option for librarians in the past, it’s making a much cooler comeback. This adorable pink cardigan is a case in point! It’s thin enough to be worn over a full-sleeved top and snug enough to keep your little girl cozy during the winter months. A “smart” choice for any day outfit. 5. Add A Bit Of Sunshine A must-have in every little one’s wardrobe is a practical plain old jacket that can be work on top of anything and everything and is sturdy enough to be able to withstand long sessions of them playing outside. This gorgeous yellow front zip jacket fills such a need. It’s practical yet adorable. Have your kid opt to zip it up if they get too cold or keep it open to allow a little breeze. 6. Gotta Love A Good Bomber Jacket Bomber jackets have become quite the rage over the last few years. Every adult has pretty much thought of owning at least one in their lifetimes. They’re cozy soft and oh so comfortable. But why should we let adults have all the fun?! This padded girl’s jacket can be paired with your bomber jacket for a mommy and me moment! 7. You Can Never Have Too Much Navy This very elegant Parisian style navy girl’s jacket is the perfect option for one of those nights when you have an elegant dinner with friends and your kids are invited to or a wedding reception over a cute dress. 8. A Sweater Is Always The Simplest Option You can’t go wrong with a girl’s sweater. This cute pink cardigan with lace adds a touch of young femininity to any outfit. The flower lace patterns are a wonderful addition. 9. Formal Can Be Adorable Too It has to be said, little girl’s in formal wear are the cutest! This peplum formal top is proof. For those moments where your daughter wants to dress a bit more like mom, this top is yet again another opportunity for a mommy and me moment. 10. Charming Chanel Vibes Who didn’t like the tweed Chanel suits from back in the day? This knitted shrug cardigan is perfect for when your little one is looking to make a statement at a birthday party or even a day out with her friends. 11. Chic Party Jumpsuits Jumpsuits are the latest in fashion that shows no signs of going away any time soon. Find the right jumpsuit and your sweetheart will stay comfortable as she plays all day long. This mint party jumpsuit is a wonderful choice to keep it light on a cold dreary day. Top it with a shrug or jacket to stay extra warm and snug. 12. Soft Snug Leggings Leggings are the girl’s universal choice for comfort and ease. They also are the go-to choice for keeping warm during winter. These blue leggings are versatile enough to be worn throughout winter and taken right into summer. The best part is you can wear anything you like on top. Your little one can throw on a jumper, sweater, jacket, blouse, or even just a T-shirt and be ready to go. When it comes to shopping online for girl’s clothing, you’re not strained for choice. It’s more about figuring out what you’d like to buy and how your little angel’s personal style is developing. While high-quality material and comfortable fabrics are a given, OneFridayWorld houses a wide range of stylish kids’ winter outfits for everyone. Check out the latest in kids’ winter outfits with the best quality and brilliant pricing!
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8 Super Fun & Adventurous Gift Ideas For Your Little Nieces & Nephews! - One Friday World
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8 Super Fun & Adventurous Gift Ideas For Your Little Nieces & Nephews!
From the stuff toys that line the shelves in your niece/nephew’s room to the bubble machine that makes them jump up in joy, you know you spoil these little monsters silly! In fact, your trip to the mall is never complete without buying something for them. If you relate to this, then you’ve landed at the right spot. We’ve got 8 gift ideas for your nieces and nephews that are not the usual and ones that they’ll love. For the rebel that your niece is For kids aged 6 and up, Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls is an inspiring read. Packed with 100 stories about 100 extraordinary women from the past and the present, authors Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo’s book makes for a gift that your little girl will love to read every night. For the cool kid! How can anyone not love the banana and leopard print on this one?! If your nephew is all set to be the next fashion icon, this One Friday shirt will be much appreciated by him. It’s the kinda cool stuff that only their favourite aunts and uncles bring, right? For the adventurous one How about gifting your niece/nephew their first pair of binoculars?! Nothing will excite them more for the next few days. Of course, you need to follow this up with a trip to a wildlife safari or a nature resort where he/she can put the gift to good use. For the one with a green thumb A kids gardening kit will not only encourage them to go green from a young age but also spread a wide smile across their faces when they see the first stem emerge. You can pick up a kit online from Nursery Live and spend a fun Sunday afternoon gardening with the small wonder. For the princess in the making If your niece loves playing dress-up, you’ve got to introduce her to the world of One Friday. Your style-conscious niece will love our collections, especially this bow detail printed dress. But be warned, she’s only trusting you with her outfit shopping after this! For the little scientist If your nephew or niece takes a keen interest in the science behind how stuff works, you know you’ve got a scientist in the making (at least for now!). Gift them tickets to a science museum or a DIY kid’s chemistry kit sounds just as good. A microscope will catch their fancy too! For the beach baby Is he a water baby? Then your nephew will love the One Friday sharkey print shirt! It’s cool, it’s casual and it’s perfect for the beach vacay you’ve all been planning. For the next master chef There are no limits to a child’s imagination. One moment they are fascinated with cars, the other moment they want to learn how to cook. If your little one is in the master chef mode these days, gift him/her a personalised chef’s hat and apron along with a kitchen kit. Sounds cute, no? All said and done, the best gift you can give your nephews and nieces is your time. Spend as much time with them while they are still young! Not only will they get to learn a lot from you, but you get some much-needed time off from the daily struggle that life sometimes can be.
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Diwali Dressing Made Easy: 7 Outfits You & Your Kids Are Going To LOVE! - One Friday World
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Diwali Dressing Made Easy: 7 Outfits You & Your Kids Are Going To LOVE!
With less than a month to the festival of lights, it’s no surprise that all we can think about is loading our shopping carts with gifts for friends and family. The card parties and Diwali fleas, the dinner invites and festive Sunday brunches are just about beginning and a little retail therapy won’t hurt anybody. For your little one, you know we wouldn’t recommend anything but One Friday. There’s an all-new AW19 collection that you must check out if you haven’t already. Here are our faves that’ll have your munchkins looking like the million bucks that they are! A starry-starry affair Your baby deserves a little shimmer and shine this festive season. Dress the star of your life in this ‘stars and constellations’ dress for a Diwali party at her school. A pair of silver sandals will complement this outfit so well. The colour of the season Featuring a peter pan collar, this emerald purple top screams festive ready. We love the colour and the bow detail that’s sure to fetch your little girl a lot of compliments. Pair it with the One Friday multi-coloured skirt and she’s ready for a trip to the Diwali flea market. For the junior gentleman If daddy and baby are in the mood for twinning, this cotton waistcoat should be in your cart right away. For a formal Diwali do, pair this waistcoat with matching pants, a white shirt and formal shoes. Don’t forget to click lots of pictures of the two special men in your life! Oh so grown up! What can be better than watching your little man dressed in a 3 piece suit! This striped suit is great for formal occasions and you can always match his pocket square or bow tie to the colour of your outfit. Co-ordinated son-mumma duo, hell yes! The stylish baby girl Why be regular when you can be stylish! Imagine your daughter wearing this box pleat skirt with a light pink sweater, stocking and boots… did anyone say best-dressed? Not just Diwali, this one’s going to be your baby’s fave all through the festive season. For a relaxed festive brunch Does your boy like to keep it nice and casual? Then his wardrobe needs this classic lightweight cotton t-shirt. This one will pretty much go with every pair of pants or shorts that he already owns. All you need to do is run your hands through his hair and he’s as ready as can be! Hello, miss know it all! A crisp white dress with frill details and an embellished belt, now if that isn’t your pick for the festive season then what will it be?! If you thought kids only look good in bright, pop colours, wait till your baby girl slips this on. So mommy, which of these are you adding to cart today? Don’t forget to check out the rest of the collection too!
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