Top 10 Parenting Books To Raise Confident Kids

Article published at: Nov 15, 2022 Article author: Digital Impressions
The five best parenting books to raise confident kids - One Friday World
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Parenting is one of the most demanding yet satisfying experiences in life. As a new parent, events like the first fall or even the first cold feel difficult. But as time passes by and you become parents to more children, such events become experiences that give you the insight and knowledge to handle situations better. 

All parents can affirm the fact that they were able to act quickly and more calmly with their second and third children than they could with their firstborn. 

The parent-child relationship is critical as it promotes the child's emotional, physical, and social growth while strengthening the parent's mental state. In today's fast-paced life, we need practice to become present, kind and forgiving parents toward their children. And that's where the parenting books come to our rescue. Parenting books for new parents equip us to handle situations better and help us raise our kids in a way that nurtures their unique personalities and boosts their physical and emotional growth. 

Why Are Good Parenting Books Helpful to parents?

The information and experience shared in parenting books will help parents to become more relaxed in their parenting journeys. The best parenting book will share tricks to increase your patience level around kids. They will help you connect with your children profoundly. Instead of reacting harshly, parenting books will train you to discipline your child with appropriate and better methods. They will show you how to boost your child’s confidence and help him handle his emotions.

We have curated a list of well-researched top 10 parenting books that will arm you with the knowledge about your child's body and his needs. This will, in turn, help you to bring forth a better approach when you get pushed to the wall by your child. However, let us remind you that these parenting books for new parents are not a checklist for you to follow, but we hope that these parenting books will help you to receive a better stance on parenthood and your relationship with your kids.

All You Need is Love: The Art of Mindful Parenting - Writer Shelja Sen

Dr Shelja Sen, who is a child psychologist by profession, offers this parenting book with a five-step approach to mindful parenting - Connect, coach, care, community, and commit. With real-life experiences, Sen writes in the book, "Parenting is not just about bringing up children. This book for new parents is about growing up and transforming ourselves to be better human beings." The writer encourages parents to examine the driving force behind their parenting and be aware of their parenting patterns.

How to Raise Happy and Successful Children - Perfect Parenting -By Sushant Kalra

Smashing the age-old myth that parenthood comes naturally once you become a parent, Sushant Kalra's book emphasizes that unlearning is the first step to learning. Founder of the Parwarish Institute of Parenting, Sushant Kalra has worked with many parents who struggled in their parenthood, and he has recorded the same in this gentle parenting book. Along with real-life anecdotes, this book is one of the top 10 parenting books that can help you identify and address your child’s unique needs during the early stages of development to raise them into emotionally balanced and secure adults.

How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting: Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids - By Laura Markham

A psychologist by profession, Laura Markham highlights the significance of cultivating an emotional bond with your child in this book. Once you create that kind of connection, you'll no longer need to plead, punish and threaten kids. Heavily based on the latest study on brain development and clinical experience with parents, the writer offers gentle parenting tips that will help parents get their emotions in check so that they can raise their kids with healthy limits, empathy, and clear communication. 

How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results - By Esther Wojcicki

A mother to 3 successful daughters, Esther Wojcicki talks about "the parenting anxiety" in this practical parenting book with lessons for raising, educating, and pushing individuals to their highest potential. Combining established studies and her personal radical experiences, the writer shares her secret to raising kids who became successful people. In simple words, she states the TRICK to raising kids is Trust - Respect - Independence - Collaboration - Kindness.

Explaining how parental anxiety has reached a more destructive tier over the years, thanks to the pandemic, the writer encourages parents to talk to infants as if they are adults. Allow children to pick up every task as per their own taste and preferences and encourage them to finish by themselves. Let your child lead you, is her mantra. 

Helping Your Anxious Child: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents - By Susan Spence, Ronald M. Rapee, Ann Wignall, Heidi Lyneham, Vanessa Cobham

If your child is struggling with anxiety, do not waste time. Get your hands on this best parenting book, India at the earliest. This step-by-step guide for parents will enable you to help your children overcome anxiety and fears with strategies and techniques. This good parenting book explains different kinds of childhood anxieties and fears that can arise in children from a young age. The parenting book also throws light on how this anxiety originates and provides a detailed design on how to deal with the situation. 

Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves and Our Society Thrive - By Marc Brackett

The focus of this parenting book is "emotional well-being," the ability to handle life's stresses successfully and adapt to changing times and situations. Written by Marc Brackett, a professor at Yale University’s Child Study Center and director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, the book is a blueprint to understanding your child's emotions better along with the reason behind them. 

Blending diligence, passion, inspiration, and science in equal parts, Brackett’s effective strategy for enhancing emotional intelligence in kids is named “R.U.L.E.R.” — five essential skills of emotional intelligence: Recognizing - Understanding - Labelling - Expressing - Regulating. Using the four core tools, the RULER method tries to build positive social and emotional intelligence in kids. This intellectual parenting book aims to shift our perspective on how we view emotions and give the push to our children. 

The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind - By Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

The Whole-Brain Child is a book for parents by neuroscientist Daniel J. Siegel and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson, which explains how a child's brain develops and matures. This best parenting book provides twelve key strategies to help children lead balanced, meaningful lives, including "Name It to Tame It," "Engage, Don't Enrage," "Move It or Lose It," "Let the Clouds of Emotion Roll By," "SiFT," and "Connect Through Conflict," which aim to help children understand their emotions, make better decisions, and foster empathy.

Parenting with Love and Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility by Charles Fay and Foster Cline

Charles Fay and Foster Cline's parenting book is all about mixing love with practical logic to teach kids responsibility. Newborn parenting book packed with tips for setting boundaries while still showing your child you care. The idea is to let kids make choices and learn from their mistakes, which helps them become more responsible and independent.

The 5 Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell

In this book for new parents Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell dive into how different kids feel loved in different ways. They outline five "love languages"—ways to show affection that really resonate with your child. Whether it’s through words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, quality time, or physical touch, this best good parenting book helps you figure out what makes your child feel most loved and appreciated, making it easier to connect with them.

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

This book provides practical advice on how to communicate with your kids in a way that makes them listen and feel understood. The book for new parents is full of tips and techniques for effective communication, including how to express your feelings without shouting and how to listen to your child’s needs. This one of the top 10 parenting books is a great resource for improving how you talk to your kids and build a better relationship with them.


With these top 10 parenting books, you can boost your child's confidence and understand them better. These best parenting books for new parents will not only teach you better parenting techniques but will also guide you to empower your children. With the right approach, the right way to interact and these measures to enhance emotional understanding, you can make a significant contribution to your children's emotional and mental growth.

Along with this, remember that giving children a chance to choose their own clothes further boosts their confidence. When children wear clothes that are of their own choosing, they feel more self-sufficient and capable. Visit One Friday World to find stylish and comfortable clothes and accessories for your kids. Here you will find the best designs for children, which will not only increase their self-confidence but also make them feel special every day. Hurry up and give your children a new energy with a new look.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How to choose the right parenting book?

There are a few parameters that you need to check before choosing a good parenting book, and they are as follows:

  1. Check the writer's credentials: Parenting is a serious topic that can affect your kids profoundly, hence checking the writer's qualifications such as their degree and credibility is recommended.  
  2. Based on research: In today's advanced times, pick the best parenting book, India that is backed by scientific research with citations and references. It will give you the certainty to apply the mentioned techniques and strategies to your child.
  3. Choose books with specific topics: There's a plethora of good parenting books available in the market. Knowing what you need to help your child grow emotionally and socially will help you pick the best parenting book that can be most effective for you. For example, if your child has anxiety issues, you can take Helping Your Anxious Child: A Step-by-Step Guide for Parents which will arm you with techniques to deal with anxiety situations better. 

2. What are some of the best parenting books for kids?

Some of the best parenting books in India for kids are All You Need is Love: The Art of Mindful Parenting by Shelja Sen, Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves and Our Society Thrive - by Marc Brackett, How to Raise Happy and Successful Children - Perfect Parenting by Esther Wojcicki are some of the best parenting books for kids. 

Before taking any book to read, make sure that you check parameters such as is the book interesting to read. Is it realistic and practical? Does it motivate you or inspire hope? 

3. What is the importance of Parenting Skills?

Parenting plays the biggest role in a child's development. The principles that we infuse in kids as parents, will come out in the open when the situation demands. Hence, it is of utmost importance that parents be an ideal example of a healthy human being, emotionally and socially. Parenting is a mixture of a million tiny deeds of care, love, patience and sacrifice. 

Good parenting skills, that will help you to play the role of the parent in a caring and practical way include:

  • Communication 
  • Listening 
  • Disciplining 
  • Rational
  • Decision-making on the go

Please note, that developing effective parenting skills takes time. Along with your child, you're also growing in knowledge and experiences which will empower you to manage them appropriately.
